In my spare time, I’ve written software for competitive debating tournaments.
Tabbycat, a draw tabulation system
This is the project that took up most of my time in debating software. It grew a lot more than we anticipated when Philip and I took over the project from its original developer in 2012.
Adjumo, an adjudicator allocation system
Adjumo uses optimization to help with adjudicator allocation and large debating tournaments. We wrote it for Thessaloniki WUDC 2016. It didn’t go very well, and I describe the system as well as the issues we had with it in this document.
Debatekeeper, an Android timer app
My first debating software project was an Android app to time debates, first released in 2012. I released version 1.3 in October 2021, and other than maintaining the debate format repository, I intend for that to be my last major work on it. There is a standing open invitation for anyone to pick up and continue the project.